Monday, 18 December 2017

For Bloggers Christmas Comes Early

Lottie and I were wearing our matching Christmas dresses to Horts Bristol (eclectic pub with a small luxury private sofa cinema) the other day. As above it was a BUMBLE Baby Cinema event to see Disney The Muppet Christmas Carol, hosted by the lovely Queen Bees She and Hem. Daddy was like "they'd be so lovely to wear on Christmas Day" and despite many years blogging I had to explain to him we get things way before Christmas so that we can share them with others as a great idea. I got our Want That Trend dresses so early my tree wasn't up so as below I used Costco as the backdrop for an Instagram pic. Luckily the staff thought it was a great idea so I didn't have to take pics looking over my shoulder. An employee even took some of the pics for me but Aaron took the one I actually shared on Instagram (Actually they're all there, as it's a slideshow of 10 pics if I remember rightly):
We went to Drayton's Magical Christmas in November and even Noah's Ark more locally as they were both blogger events. I don't mind doing things early doors as it means the festive period and the excitment to Christmas just lasts longer and it's less of an anti-climax than it is when you pile the pressure on just one day to be good.

We even already have our Christmas Day LONDON PJs thanks to Alex and Alexa and we all adore them:

It's the 🎄Christmas 🎄 for matching PJs & they couldn't be cuter. I'm being clever here as the London red on the buses, post boxes & phone boxes mixed with the London Eye ferris wheels which look like snow flakes are all quite festive yet because there's nothing actually overtly Xmassy about them they CAN wear them all year round 😁clever Mummy. I did this lil photo shoot while they were engrossed in Peppa 🐽🐖🐷 Do swipe left as there are 10 pics 📸keep an eye out for the one where they're holding hands 😢😍 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄 I've had my eye out 👀 for classy matching PJs for weeks & was thrilled when I stumbled acrross these on @alexandalexacom ... take a look the design is incredible as there are Underground signs, black taxis, beefeaters & even Big Ben & Tower Bridge. As if that's not enough there's even a tea pot, cup and royal crown. We lived in London for 41 years and have been gone long enough that these are beautifully nostalgic. The Peruvian super soft pima cotton jersey feels like silk. Aaron said "they feel incredible" you can see the pic where he's hugging his knees. They're called Kissy Kissy White London Landmarks Print Pyjamas AND CURRENTLY HAVE 25% OFF meaning Lottie's are now £30 instead of £40. Machine washable at 30 degrees. #AlexAndAlexa #ad #KissyKissy #PerfectAndProud #BrotherAndSister #Siblings #childrenofig #XmasPJs #MatchingPJs #worldoflittles #childhoodunplugged #lifecloseup #developinglife #myhappycapture #dayslikethese #pixel_kids #cherisheverymoment #documentyourdays #candidchildhood #our_everyday_moments #UKParentBloggers #instakids #mamalife #thatsdarling #tinybeansmoment #letthekids #littleandbrave
A post shared by Parenting Blogger Liska (@newmumonline) on
We haven't done any toy reviews this Christmas so were thrilled to be asked to review

  • a Mr. Tumble SS01 Something Special Learning Pad for Lottie (Let your child learn with Mr Tumble and Friends. Press and picture or image on the tablet to hear fun sounds and facts. Includes six games to encourage learning about colours, numbers, shapes, letters, characters and musical instruments. The touch sensitive screen makes exploration fun and easy to follow).
  • a Thomas and Friends Flip and Learn Phone for Lottie (A chunky classic flip-up phone in blue, with a backlit answer screen and image of Thomas and Percy. Call Thomas and his Sodor friends to hear their greetings. Includes games to help children with number and colour recognition - press. Kids can even pretend to take pictures with the camera-phone feature. Helps children with colour and number recognition. Helps with simple communication skills. Sturdy, solid design is ideal for preschool children
  • an Xtrem Trooper Bot for Aaron (Here comes the ultimate Xtrem Bot, Trooper Bot. Over 35cm tall, the high tech trooper bot is armed and ready for combat, with a missile launcher built into its arm – take aim and fire using the infrared remote control. Then when the battle is over, trooper bot can perform its own robotic dance! trooper bot can walk and slide forward, turn, move backwards, and follow up to 50 consecutive commands. The multi LED eyes have a variety of facial expressions. Trooper bot comes with a protective visor, 5 missile darts and USB cable for recharging (2 x AA batteries only required for the controller). infra-red transmitter reaches range of more than 5 metres. For ages 5 years and up.
So our delivery arrived and kept them busy this week which was great as Aaron broke up from school Friday 15th December.... I find that TERRIBLY early, as I am Irish and we celebrate Christmas till 6th January and breaking up that early means he goes back on 2nd January *cries*. Imagine spending New Year's Day saying "you better go to bed soon you've got school tomorrow" :-( I do know though that this year must be a DREAM COME TRUE for any office worker who works Monday to Friday. Normally up to 2012 that'd have been me. Getting everyone in the office to set out of offices on Christmas Eve with me then dashing to Stansted to collect my Mum from the airport. But with Christmas falling on a Monday people have 23rd and 24th off. They must be stoked!!!!! If only school holiday dates worked just as well.

So this is Aaron's new toy - call it an early Xmas present from the world of Blogging and scroll down for our video review of it...
Video review of our new robot on my youtube channel

Anyway bye for now. Hope to touch base with you all again before Santa comes down my chimney - oooh errr. And, you can always find me over on Instagram NewMumOnline my happy place.

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