Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Win a Little Baby Bum Plush Toy Great Giveaway #LittleBabyBum #RhymeWeek

If you were on Twitter tonight you'll have seen that I was one of a few parent bloggers who hosted a Little Baby Bum Twitter party in order to launch their new range of plush toys.

Lottie was very luckily sent two of them and adores them:
Tonight I posted several videos to Twitter of my Lottie playing with them during the Twitter party. Her face lights up when the melodies play.

Well you can win 1. You'll win either the cow or pig, depending on stock availability.

Do you know the Little Baby Bum youtube channel? It's worth checking out if you have a baby or toddler.

Fun Facts- Little Baby Bum You Tube Channel

#1 Educational Pre-School Channel in the world

Larger digital presence than Sesame Street, Nickelodeon, CBeebies, Pixar, Dreamworks and Thomas The Tank combined! (views and subscribers)

Most popular Little Baby Bum video - Wheels On The Bus compilation (below) viewed over 1.6 billion times! 

Wheels on the Bus video is the 2nd most viewed UK channel of all time

Wheels on the Bus fastest non-music video to reach 1 billion views!

10th most viewed channel (worldwide/all time) - across all genres/channels

Over 8.9 Billion Global Views

Nearly 8.5 Million subscribers

12 Million views per day!

2nd most viewed UK channel of all

Core age demographic for toy 6 months to 4 years  - youtube audience up to 6 years

You can enter to win your very own plush toy here. All entry options are mandatory - do each and every one. Good luck!


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