Where is everyone? Well, I arrived to a calm and tranquil Brewery as I was a Butterfly so required to be there an hour early.
However, you knew it was BritMums Live, as on the walk from Moorgate station to the venue I already bumped into lots of people I knew. First of all the very smiley Aly and Marissa as they were on the way to early check-in at their hotel and then later down the road I met Julie, whose hair was looking amazing and very purple!
When I bumped into everyone I'd already bought a Boots' meal deal, as being a veteran of BritMums Live I know lunch is not provided on day 01, but I'd forgotten to buy jewellery for my naked neck and ears, but saying it out loud to Julie resolved my intentions and I headed to Marks and Spencers (there's a HUGE one in Moorgate). So glad I did as it would have effected my confidence otherwise (yes sometimes it is the little things that get us putting one foot in front of the other).
I've hesitated with writing my BritMums Live post as I have been shattered beyond measure. I only uploaded the pics to my computer Tuesday 23rd June despite the conference being Friday and Saturday. I'm on my last legs and so is my laptop, so it just was not possible before now.
However, you knew it was BritMums Live, as on the walk from Moorgate station to the venue I already bumped into lots of people I knew. First of all the very smiley Aly and Marissa as they were on the way to early check-in at their hotel and then later down the road I met Julie, whose hair was looking amazing and very purple!
When I bumped into everyone I'd already bought a Boots' meal deal, as being a veteran of BritMums Live I know lunch is not provided on day 01, but I'd forgotten to buy jewellery for my naked neck and ears, but saying it out loud to Julie resolved my intentions and I headed to Marks and Spencers (there's a HUGE one in Moorgate). So glad I did as it would have effected my confidence otherwise (yes sometimes it is the little things that get us putting one foot in front of the other).
I've hesitated with writing my BritMums Live post as I have been shattered beyond measure. I only uploaded the pics to my computer Tuesday 23rd June despite the conference being Friday and Saturday. I'm on my last legs and so is my laptop, so it just was not possible before now.
Overall my experience was positive; I'd even go as far as to say it was the best one yet of the 5 in a row I have been to. I said as much to the founders as I hugged and thanked them goodbye. I stand by that.
There was a bit of silliness but I am not going to go there, apart from to say, the snigger you made, as I moved out of someone's way, was unnecessary (you know who you are). If me and her can be at the same event and be civil, so too should her followers be able to - grow up! Despite us spending two days #TalkingPants and reminiscing about the period (time of the month) leaks that Diary Doll now prevent, we have (I think) left our school days behind us, other than to visit the place at 08:45 and 15:15.
There was a bit of silliness but I am not going to go there, apart from to say, the snigger you made, as I moved out of someone's way, was unnecessary (you know who you are). If me and her can be at the same event and be civil, so too should her followers be able to - grow up! Despite us spending two days #TalkingPants and reminiscing about the period (time of the month) leaks that Diary Doll now prevent, we have (I think) left our school days behind us, other than to visit the place at 08:45 and 15:15.
The conference got off to a flying start with my being early, as, like I said, I was a Butterfly. So I got to see the beautiful venue before the masses. Fair play to Jen and Susanna - for Aaron's birthday party I was still setting up the hall when everyone arrived but they are true professionals so everything was in place and looking grand already, apart from a refuse truck outside collecting all the trash before the glamorous Mums arrived. I only mention it as the smell of it ramped up my morning sickness but I ploughed on and made a smiley entrance regardless.
My collage reminds me that I bumped into Hannah and Helen outside All Bar One as I whizzed passed. It was full of bloggers in there but no time to stop. I'd seen Hannah's outfit in a "What I'm Wearing" post on Facebook and commented to her how great she looked.
When I arrived at the venue, the first person I met was Seasider in the City Clare who I've known for years. She looks 15 years younger than when I first met her though (in 2011), thanks to a health kick. She was sad at the start of the event as her URL was down, but the fact that I can link to it here means I think it's fixed - well done Mrs!!!!
Before I forget I must mention the rhubarb and custard cones featured in the collage above - I confess to eating about 6 of them, and when I discovered later that they hadn't been devoured I had about 6 more - hey I am eating for two (or three................).
Hats off to Jen and Susanna they were relaxed enough to meet and greet - I don't know HOW they do it. This year for the first ever time there was a Craft Room, mainly hosted by Lady Sew and Sew- they gave Susanna a fascinator to wear (see it in my collage above) and it was the bomb! Ascot-ready despite being miles away. Alice (who shall from here on in be known as Alice the Hat) was accused by fellow London Transport travellers of going in the wrong direction for Ascot whilst travelling to BritMums Live.
I had to sit and enjoy my Boots' Meal Deal in order to be able to function so I sneaked into the craft room (they thought I was an impostor) and took a seat. Was a great place to dine as I saw the vintage ladies rehearse.
I patrolled the hub (where we have tea and coffee and meet brands) and got some footage which I am yet to edit/upload but all too soon it was time for the event itself to begin. The only brand I talked to in depth during this precious pre-event time was My Friend Freddy Bear who are at a pre-launch stage.
Begin really means people registering and entering for tea/coffee and mingling but as a Butterfly it meant my going on duty to meet and greet. It's an odd one though as confident people don't need hugs and shy people resist them, but I did what I could.
As usual, some Butterflies are more natural than others. Monika was radiant (see below) and judging by the orange bag on her wrist had already cleverly grabbed her Merci Maman complimentary bracelet. Ours are engraved with: "BritMums Live 2015" and are the best ever memento of the event. I am gulping at that link I have just posted as they retail at 27 pounds and we all got one free - wow!
I then went on to work the room in the hub and didn't meet nearly as many people as I should have but was very happy to meet Swazi again (old Mumsnet Blogfest and Danceathon buddy) and Mummy Constant for the first ever time after all these years:
Everyone has commented on what a relaxed affair it was this year. Everyone was so friendly and smiley. There was no snootiness and no cliques. Seemed like a level playing field with a complete absence of egos. Beautiful atmosphere it has to be said!
This was my FIFTH BRITMUMS LIVE and I felt quite small!!!!!!!!! Look how amazonian everyone was compared to me, despite me being 5'7''
So off to the main hall we went, for the opening welcome from Jen and Susanna, who then welcomed Deliciously Ella on stage.
Cutting out sugar is something I did in 2001, and lost 3.5 stone as a result. Thanks to that I looked amazing for my wedding and also beat PCOS, IBS and lots of other things as a result. Cutting out wheat, sugar and dairy wasn't trendy back then but I strode my own stride with no books to help and saw the benefits GPs did not bother to tell me would result. I detest how limited the medical community's knowledge of nutrition is. Sadly I haven't had the self discipline or focus to do it since, which is such a shame. It was moving to listen to her story as she's never been on my radar, so I listened intently and was sat right up front.
If you wish you'd been there to hear her speak, then +Nadine Hill has uploaded to YouTube not only her keynote but also her talk in a secret room with a limited audience. See it here: Deliciously Ella at BritMums Live.
After Deliciously Ella and before the Ice Breaker we heard a very moving talk from Victoria:
It was really exciting to discover what the Ice Breaker was, that has been a tightly held secret. We were to wrap Mummies in toilet roll to beat a Guinness World Record:
It was all very official, with coaches and adjudicators and everything. The record held was 50 mummies and we only did 51. We had a massive 18 disqualified as they were SO STRICT so thank God we made it by the one! I wrapped the bottom half of the very warm hearted Suzanne and was quite bossy (telling her when to raise and lower each foot and widen her legs) so as to get it done, which thank God I was, as I was wrapping up (quite literally when they made the "10 seconds to go" announcement).
It was only upon arriving home and looking in my goody bag that I discovered we all got a medal for our Guinness World Record attempt. So that and the Merci Maman made this the BritMums Live with THE best souvenirs yet.
*** Writing this post is taking too long - I need a lunch break - excuse me...... Friday 26th June 13:09 (hungry pregnant woman).....***
The next highlight of the day was the Costa Brava session where +Practically Perfect Mums and I got blissed out in a massage
The massage was to give us a first hand experience of Gerunda Fuga and THAT it DID!!!
The massage oils went in my hair - such is the cost of bliss - that my fringe looks quite greasy from here on in, so do excuse me. My radiant (pregnant) smile makes up for it though, and speaking of pregnant, the BEST reaction I got was when I told these two: Domestic Goddesque and Maris World. Mari your enthusiasm bowled me over:
Actually this post is a little upside down as I wore the pink dress (in pics above) on day two and the Joe Brown dress you see above on day 1. Both were bought in a charity shop the day before the conference - yep, I have always done things by the skin of my teeth, flying on the seat of my pants. The Joe Brown was 6.99 and the pink one 4.99. Bargainous. Sorry my pound sign does not work!
Friday evening, after the Bibs Party and before the Bibs Awards we were notified that we did indeed break a Guinness World record - hoo ha!
I love taking a pic of a photographer taking a pic - dunno is it geeky or just a strange fetish of mine!
I have lots of footage from the Bibs so I must upload it all.
I can't move on until I express how DELICIOUS the steak and chips were at the Awards Party - wow:
I ate a lot as I seemed to be stood in the right place and eating was a necessity as my morning sickness is beyond horrid if I don't. I am thrilled that they had Cranberry Juice so that it looked as if I was drinking red wine and didn't stand out too much amongst the festivities.
For a lot of the party I chatted with the lovely Laura. She's also been on a health kick of mammoth proportions. Not that she had a lot to lose but she's been redefining and attracting a large following whilst doing so.
It was also great to catch up with Clare, my mate of old who kindly took the photo of me and Laura (actually I am holding my pretend red wine there).
I chatted to lots of people during drinks and my baby brain won't let me list them all, sorry.
During drinks Susanna asked me to find Hayley from Downs Side Up and I had no idea the guy trailing her was a Sun reporter who was about to interview Hayley and Alice. An interview that meant Hayley wasn't in the room when her Inspire Bibs Award was announced, hence there was a "we seek her here, we seek her there" moment, ha ha:
Carol Smilie's furrowed brow above makes me chuckle for some reason. I think she made some witty remarks too if I remember, and I may well have recorded them!
She did eventually slip into the hall, only to discover that she was no longer a "serial finalist" and now a WINNER:
I will upload all of my Bibs Awards 2015 footage:
Then a large group of us headed off to Wagamamas for dinner, but first of all me and Sara checked into our plastic box. Cheap and cheerful but no TV and no kettle. Literally a bed for the night.
TO BE CONTINUED............
I actu
My collage reminds me that I bumped into Hannah and Helen outside All Bar One as I whizzed passed. It was full of bloggers in there but no time to stop. I'd seen Hannah's outfit in a "What I'm Wearing" post on Facebook and commented to her how great she looked.
When I arrived at the venue, the first person I met was Seasider in the City Clare who I've known for years. She looks 15 years younger than when I first met her though (in 2011), thanks to a health kick. She was sad at the start of the event as her URL was down, but the fact that I can link to it here means I think it's fixed - well done Mrs!!!!
Before I forget I must mention the rhubarb and custard cones featured in the collage above - I confess to eating about 6 of them, and when I discovered later that they hadn't been devoured I had about 6 more - hey I am eating for two (or three................).
Hats off to Jen and Susanna they were relaxed enough to meet and greet - I don't know HOW they do it. This year for the first ever time there was a Craft Room, mainly hosted by Lady Sew and Sew- they gave Susanna a fascinator to wear (see it in my collage above) and it was the bomb! Ascot-ready despite being miles away. Alice (who shall from here on in be known as Alice the Hat) was accused by fellow London Transport travellers of going in the wrong direction for Ascot whilst travelling to BritMums Live.
I had to sit and enjoy my Boots' Meal Deal in order to be able to function so I sneaked into the craft room (they thought I was an impostor) and took a seat. Was a great place to dine as I saw the vintage ladies rehearse.
I patrolled the hub (where we have tea and coffee and meet brands) and got some footage which I am yet to edit/upload but all too soon it was time for the event itself to begin. The only brand I talked to in depth during this precious pre-event time was My Friend Freddy Bear who are at a pre-launch stage.
Begin really means people registering and entering for tea/coffee and mingling but as a Butterfly it meant my going on duty to meet and greet. It's an odd one though as confident people don't need hugs and shy people resist them, but I did what I could.
As usual, some Butterflies are more natural than others. Monika was radiant (see below) and judging by the orange bag on her wrist had already cleverly grabbed her Merci Maman complimentary bracelet. Ours are engraved with: "BritMums Live 2015" and are the best ever memento of the event. I am gulping at that link I have just posted as they retail at 27 pounds and we all got one free - wow!
I then went on to work the room in the hub and didn't meet nearly as many people as I should have but was very happy to meet Swazi again (old Mumsnet Blogfest and Danceathon buddy) and Mummy Constant for the first ever time after all these years:
Everyone has commented on what a relaxed affair it was this year. Everyone was so friendly and smiley. There was no snootiness and no cliques. Seemed like a level playing field with a complete absence of egos. Beautiful atmosphere it has to be said!
This was my FIFTH BRITMUMS LIVE and I felt quite small!!!!!!!!! Look how amazonian everyone was compared to me, despite me being 5'7''
![]() |
Jane from +Practically Perfect Mums |
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Me and +Mum In A Hurry |
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Me and +Julie |
Cutting out sugar is something I did in 2001, and lost 3.5 stone as a result. Thanks to that I looked amazing for my wedding and also beat PCOS, IBS and lots of other things as a result. Cutting out wheat, sugar and dairy wasn't trendy back then but I strode my own stride with no books to help and saw the benefits GPs did not bother to tell me would result. I detest how limited the medical community's knowledge of nutrition is. Sadly I haven't had the self discipline or focus to do it since, which is such a shame. It was moving to listen to her story as she's never been on my radar, so I listened intently and was sat right up front.
If you wish you'd been there to hear her speak, then +Nadine Hill has uploaded to YouTube not only her keynote but also her talk in a secret room with a limited audience. See it here: Deliciously Ella at BritMums Live.
After Deliciously Ella and before the Ice Breaker we heard a very moving talk from Victoria:
It was really exciting to discover what the Ice Breaker was, that has been a tightly held secret. We were to wrap Mummies in toilet roll to beat a Guinness World Record:
It was all very official, with coaches and adjudicators and everything. The record held was 50 mummies and we only did 51. We had a massive 18 disqualified as they were SO STRICT so thank God we made it by the one! I wrapped the bottom half of the very warm hearted Suzanne and was quite bossy (telling her when to raise and lower each foot and widen her legs) so as to get it done, which thank God I was, as I was wrapping up (quite literally when they made the "10 seconds to go" announcement).
It was only upon arriving home and looking in my goody bag that I discovered we all got a medal for our Guinness World Record attempt. So that and the Merci Maman made this the BritMums Live with THE best souvenirs yet.
*** Writing this post is taking too long - I need a lunch break - excuse me...... Friday 26th June 13:09 (hungry pregnant woman).....***
The next highlight of the day was the Costa Brava session where +Practically Perfect Mums and I got blissed out in a massage
I see @NewMumOnline & @Pracperfectmums have gone to heaven. I'm quite jealous @costabrava #GerundaFuga #britmumslive pic.twitter.com/XOetmciVlD
— Emma (@crazywithtwins) June 19, 2015
The massage was to give us a first hand experience of Gerunda Fuga and THAT it DID!!!
The massage oils went in my hair - such is the cost of bliss - that my fringe looks quite greasy from here on in, so do excuse me. My radiant (pregnant) smile makes up for it though, and speaking of pregnant, the BEST reaction I got was when I told these two: Domestic Goddesque and Maris World. Mari your enthusiasm bowled me over:
Actually this post is a little upside down as I wore the pink dress (in pics above) on day two and the Joe Brown dress you see above on day 1. Both were bought in a charity shop the day before the conference - yep, I have always done things by the skin of my teeth, flying on the seat of my pants. The Joe Brown was 6.99 and the pink one 4.99. Bargainous. Sorry my pound sign does not work!
Friday evening, after the Bibs Party and before the Bibs Awards we were notified that we did indeed break a Guinness World record - hoo ha!
I love taking a pic of a photographer taking a pic - dunno is it geeky or just a strange fetish of mine!
I have lots of footage from the Bibs so I must upload it all.
I can't move on until I express how DELICIOUS the steak and chips were at the Awards Party - wow:
I ate a lot as I seemed to be stood in the right place and eating was a necessity as my morning sickness is beyond horrid if I don't. I am thrilled that they had Cranberry Juice so that it looked as if I was drinking red wine and didn't stand out too much amongst the festivities.
For a lot of the party I chatted with the lovely Laura. She's also been on a health kick of mammoth proportions. Not that she had a lot to lose but she's been redefining and attracting a large following whilst doing so.
It was also great to catch up with Clare, my mate of old who kindly took the photo of me and Laura (actually I am holding my pretend red wine there).
I chatted to lots of people during drinks and my baby brain won't let me list them all, sorry.
During drinks Susanna asked me to find Hayley from Downs Side Up and I had no idea the guy trailing her was a Sun reporter who was about to interview Hayley and Alice. An interview that meant Hayley wasn't in the room when her Inspire Bibs Award was announced, hence there was a "we seek her here, we seek her there" moment, ha ha:
Carol Smilie's furrowed brow above makes me chuckle for some reason. I think she made some witty remarks too if I remember, and I may well have recorded them!
She did eventually slip into the hall, only to discover that she was no longer a "serial finalist" and now a WINNER:
I will upload all of my Bibs Awards 2015 footage:
Then a large group of us headed off to Wagamamas for dinner, but first of all me and Sara checked into our plastic box. Cheap and cheerful but no TV and no kettle. Literally a bed for the night.
TO BE CONTINUED............
I actu
Still gutted I never managed to grab you for a longer chat, but soooo happy we managed a quick hi and hug at least this year! Seems like you had a fab time this year :) Cannot wait to read more (when you feel up to it, of course!) Take good care of yourself and baby (or two?! Is that a hint?!)
ReplyDeleteWhat a great read....It sounds like you had a fab time! I love all the photos x
ReplyDeleteGreat coverage as always! Gutted I didn't see you for longer than a quick hello and hug - next year??! I found this years to be the best I've experienced too. And as for the person(s?) who sniggered at you - what?????????? Ugh. I'm sure I got a few side eyes as well >_> good luck with the rest of your pregnancy honey xxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteWas great to see you - there's never long enough to chat! You always do a brilliant write up of these events XX