
Tuesday 4 June 2013

Wot So Funee

For my Wot So Funee today I have a slightly serious funny followed by funny photos.

Wot So Funee?

The serious one is this:

While I am hanging washing on the line Aaron often runs round the front.
Yesterday I took him to one side and said

"there are people out there who will take you home, and you will never see Mummy and Daddy again"

His answer:

"Don't worry I will smack them!" said with serious gusto and serious emphasis on the smack word.

About ten minutes later, having taken me seriously he goes round the front and shouts back to me:

"where are they then?"

I shouldn't have laughed but I couldn't help it. He didn't see me laughing.

Oh and for some light entertainment in the form of photos here is what he does when I say
"smile" or "say cheese"

And here's a bonus.  He is in the bath RIGHT NOW, and he just asked me to get his truck so that he could push it round the rim of the roll top bath.

I shouted in to him
"I can't find it"

He shouted back:
"Yes you can!"

I don't know why it was so funny, I guess you had to be there, but his Dad laughed for about 5 minutes I guess because it sounded so precocious. His enthusiasm and insistance DID mean I found it though :-)

Liska xx


  1. That is a lovely selection of photos, and how lovely that he believes in you so wholeheartedly :)

  2. I love the insistence of you finding it - you're his Mum, you can do anything!! Great photos :)

  3. He is very cute in those photos! Love the innocence of children, it is a serious thing but I can see why you laughed.

  4. What a little character!! Brilliant, and what a gorgeous little guy x

  5. Such cute photos..!
    E told me similar when I gave him the stranger warning but didn't go out hunting for them - classic! xx

  6. Bless him that's hilarious, I would have laughed too. Gorgeous photos as well :)


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