
Monday 10 June 2013

Magic Moments

Writing this post specifically for The Oliver's Madhouse Monday Magic Moments linky.

Although this week it is being hosted over at Vicky's

Okay MY magic moment comes from yesterday.

A few months ago - probably round about February time - I had a huge falling out with my Sister in Law; it was stella!  The result, Aaron's had hardly any time with his cousins for the last few months, and when he has it has been with his Dad, meaning I have not seen my much loved nieces and nephews.

Anyway, yesterday the husband decided NOT to go to his folks' home alone, and with a great deal of trepidation I and Aaron accompanied him.

When we arrived the sitting room was full so I cowardly went to the back sitting room.  I felt tight knots in my stomach and was JUST about to say to my husband "we are not coming here again" (similar to the final line in We're Going On a Bear Hunt) when my OTHER sister-in-law walked in and said she was taking all the kids to the park - I JUMPED at the opportunity to go with...

We had a GREAT time and so did Aaron.  Me and my sister-in-law got time to chat but it was all there waiting for me upon my return and the sitting room was NO LONGER FULL...

I still went to my comfort blanket of the back sitting room and sat there eating a quiche.

The sister-in-law that I fell out with, stuck her head in and said "don't sit in here like an outcast, come in to the other sitting room".  She said it very assertively, when I feel I am owed an apology, so quite predictably I stayed there.

BUT a few minutes later I felt stupid, and so I moved into the other room.

I chatted to the kids like everything was normal, and during the course of the evening she said a few bits to me, and EVEN, by the time we were going home, gave us a hug (me Aaron and the husband - group hug style).

I was gobsmacked, thrilled and felt warm inside.  I am shelving the fact that I think I am owed an apology as one of the things she said to me during the evening was "fresh start?" To which I nodded.

I decided THAT was conciliatory enough.  Sometimes, life is too short!

Plus, I was missing the kids TERRIBLY.

Funny, once they saw that their Mum was speaking to me again, they were normal with me, and gave me hugs when they left, which they did NOT do when I arrived (when they have done so for years).

Anyway, for anyone reading, who has ever fallen out with anyone close, hopefully you can appreciate that making up feels MAGIC.

Especially when the rift has gone on for a few long months, which is a long time to miss out on spending time with children you love.

Anyway, that's me for now.

Liska xx


  1. That's a lovely moment, like you say life's too short. Family are a pain in the butt - but we only get one xxx

  2. I know exactly what you mean, having fallen out with a friend a month or two ago over a blog post (as you know). I miss her terribly, and the fun we used to have when our kids got together. It certainly is magic that makes making up happen- I'm so glad it happened for you! xx

  3. A truly magic moment and good for you for letting go of the unimportant stuff to concentrate on the positive, and on the future. Huge well done from me.

  4. Lovely moment. As you say, life's too short. Here's to many more happy days.

  5. Liska, this is a really lovely post and I'm so glad it's all resolved. Sometimes it really is better to just forgive and forget :). Thank you for linking to Magic Moments xx


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