
Tuesday 11 June 2013

At The Stroke of Midnight - time for me on T'You'sDay

M is not only for Mum, it's also for Me (and me time)!

The ONLY trouble is, as a New Mum, you're the driving equivalent of a learner driver.
The L before the M!

Well THIS Mum has learned - it's taken too long, granted, but I am there.

Aaron is happier when I am happier, and that means taking - every so often - time for ME.

Cybher rocked my little world and Aaron was FULL of hugs for me the next day.

Last week I had a hair cut and a pedicure and I had a spring in my step for days - still have.

Tonight, here I am, at the stroke of midnight, watching tonight's two episodes of Corrie on catch up TV.  Granted it'll give me a late night, but it's worth it.  It might only be a little thing, and you the reader may not even like soaps.  Each to their own eh?  I know from a few years in the blogging world that we have many and varied hobbies.

June is going to be an amazing month.  We're away for the weekend for Aaron's birthday, then I have the weekend of Brit Mums Live to look forward to (lots of me time there) and then a weekend away with that +anya harris (and her boys and mine).

So, without further ado, I'll bring you to the point of this post.

I want us all to remember that M is for Me as well as Mum more often.  What's putting the spring in your step?

This will be a weekly Tuesday linky, except Tuesday is written as T'YOU'sDay, which is short for The You Is Day.

Several mums have linked up already :-)

The badge is here:

Grab button for New-Mum-Online

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It represents a TV that is showing you the sky that is beyond the screen.  It represents the rose that you can give to yourself - the time you can make for you, if you make a few adjustments.

Liska xx


  1. The pressure is on now to find a ME thing to do for next week. I hope it will become habit after a while.

  2. Love this and am really bad for finding ME time have to admit, with the child, hubby to be and two dogs, rabbit and hamster I get stretched a lot and working! But I think I may just try to do this and see if I can make a habit out of it! xx

  3. Great idea! Thanks for prompting us to link up.


Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.