
Sunday 9 June 2013

A sunny week and the great outdoors - #CountryKids

We've been in the park pretty much every day this week, so although we haven't been to the "country" Aaron has had the fresh air, freedom and space that the country provides in abundance.

We're linking up with Country Kids :-)

 Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

There are far too many photos to include them all, and despite trying many times I cannot do a collage with picmonkey.

So I will just pick a few of the best photos:
On the way to town as Mummy needed to run an errand - obsessed with Kung Fu panda!

Just jump on any old vehicle that's my boy! Of course instead of saying "get off", Mummy smiles apologetically through the window and gets the camera out ;-)

Hops on the bus towards more scenic surroundings

Freedom at last!
There are water fountains in the park for children to play in and Aaron got soaked so in the next few photos he is in different clothes but it IS the same day/same visit to the park.  I am saying this more for myself for historical record than for you the reader :-)

Can swing on this totally by himself - baby boy is GONE!

The above is all Wednesday.

Now for some highlights from Thursday:

Mummy was out and about by herself getting a hair cut and pedicure with an old Xmas voucher

Happy with the result - now time for the park! This time with friends!

Ah hello mate!

Kung fu Panda strikes again!

Running movie style for a cuddle with Mummmeeeeee!

Still happy with her hair cut Mummy (me) strikes a pose :-)

Aaron wants NOBODY other than him on the trampoline!

Took lots of shots like this because I really love the unending green and blue and feeling of SPACE!

Very happy to be in the great outdoors!

Yet another "swing". Aaron has really moved on from the "caged" type baby swings although he does still go in them.

First time playing hop scotch bless him!

Mummy VERY pleased with her makeover :-)
On yet another bus for yet another day out :-)

Patient generous Police letting Aaron (and the boy next to him) play in the car - he even tooted the horn LOTS!

Mummy came up with the idea of playing volley ball with our beach ball. Best fun I have had in years!

Where are you Aaron? A ball on legs LOL!

He can now do this by himself sniff :-(

I can see you!

Another bus another day!

Yes he LOOKS like he is enjoying it but 30 seconds later Mummy had to eat it!

This is the same height as me! I nearly killed myself getting him up there but the photo was well worth it!

Ah bless him still wants to go on the baby swings - SOMETIMES!

We always stay in the park till a jumper is needed LOL

Whereas everyone else is sensible enough to go home:

Hhhhhhhhhmmmm them's the folks who has babes in bed by 7/7:30.  We've never done that in this house.

We have had TWO nights in a row of 21:20 though, which has been great after all the late late nights of late.

Liska xxx


  1. You look fab! You know me I prefer the individual photos anyway (have you ever tried picasa, you can download it free on the computer and I prefer it to picmonkey, you can also export your pics to a separate file to include a watermark, there is also photoscape which I like). Great to see you getting out and about. Mr Kung Fu Panda is well cute!

  2. I'm sure Aaron slept well after all the activity in the park! What a generous Policeman letting them play in his car - you don't see that everyday. Plenty of fun outdoors enjoying the loving weather we have been having. Nice hair cut Mum, looking very glam - thanks for coming over and sharing with Country Kids.

  3. Your haircut is gorgeous!! It looks like Aaron had the most amazing day in the park especially on that motorbike and police car. :)


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