
Friday 7 June 2013

A Day in the Sun and Park

Me and my friend D and her son Y and of course Aaron all met up for a day in the park today. It was warm all day but the sun spent most of the day behind clouds, so although we remained sleeveless all day, it was overcast.  For that reason Aaron was happy to leave the park at 16:30 but then we had been there since 12:30.  Normally we stay in the park till about 20:00 and he'll end up not going to bed till 23:00 but today we did the sensible thing so that we could travel home on the bus with our friends, and I am glad we did, as Aaron was asleep by 21:15. Which is a record, as he's been going to bed VERY late for weeks (I can't even confess how late, but the number rhymes with bun).

Anyway tonight we did the bath, bottle, bed routine, except it was more like bath, dinner, bottle, bed and it WORKED!  That on top of running round in the park all day. I was amazed I got him down so early given that he didn't get up this morning till 10:30.

Anyway, despite it being a FRIDAY night, I spent from when he went to sleep till now SCRUBBING the kitchen.  I'd really let it go and it was well overdue.  It looks better but it is still not up to having visitors round standard, and to be frank none of the flat is, which makes me sad as there are about 3 girlfriends I would love to have over.

I need to get myself sorted and become a tad more domesticatedd.

Anyway back to my gorgeous boy. Here he is today:

Obsessed with Kung Fu Panda

I think we'll have to give up watching Kung Fu Panda or send him to classes!

Change of clothes because they played in water

Oh Mummy you look different upside down - yeah so do you Aaron!

He can do this by himself now - once upon a time I needed to hold his hand :-(

He can hold his own weight on monkey bars now - doing something new everyday
The Police were in the park, as apparently there were young people in there yesterday causing trouble.

Anyhow, Aaron was a very lucky boy as they let him play in their car for ages even letting him beep the horn loads of times without doing him for disturbing the peace:

Anyway we had a superb time and I really hope we get more weather like this.

Liska xx


  1. A wonderful sunny day and how perfect to top it all off with a trip to the beach. Do join me on Country Kids

  2. A go in the police cool! I'm usually pretty strict with bed times but with these sunny days even mummy wants to stay out late :) Looks like a lovely day playing with friends.


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