
Sunday 26 May 2013

The Adventures of BOB - Part 1 - THE HOMECOMING

Last Saturday Aaron and I went to a Carpet Market, except there was no carpet.  Basically what it really was, was a Garden Market.  Carpet was the name saved for the indoor market it would have been if the weather hadn't been so lovely.

My friend and her Sister invited every crafter they knew and set up a market on their patio. It's the second that they've done but the first one we have been at.

It was exquisite, like being in a market abroad somewhere exotic, only with Zoe on tap to provide the odd glass of wine and cup of tea ;-)  Aaron even got to play with the boy in the garden next door.

It was stunning and they made the patio go from this:

To this:

I wasn't there before setup, so I saw after and before in that order - ha ha.

Aaron helped tidy up but in reality probably got under their feet.

You wouldn't believe that many traders could fit on one patio and they even went down the side (on the right hand side of the photo above) and that wasn't a bad place to be, as that was where the stand was that we spent all our money on.

We just had to buy BOB as Aaron played with him so much....
Below is the stand where we found Bob (see down the side is big enough to place a whole table etc....)

Aaron played with every knitted toy and we made him choose.  He did not hesitate in picking BOB.
The crafter herself was so good at bringing the characters alive for Aaron.  She has her own Facbook page if you would like to visit it.!/libbylacewings

Aaron and Bob were inseperable from that moment on, playing in the garden together.

This is the two of them on the bus home:

That night Aaron took Bob to bed.  It was so nice to see him bond with a toy/teddy for the first time.  Bob also sets his imagination on fire which is fab to see and hear.

The next day Bob came to the park with us and went on everything - slide, swings, roundabout etc.... I have some superb photos but will save them for the next Bob post ;-)

Liska xx


  1. I've never heard of a Carpet Market. Aaron looks like her had a great time.
    Thanks for sharing hunny :D

    Lotte xo
    BericeBaby || Baby & Lifestyle Blog

  2. I LOVE bob! how cool is he? What a great idea! I have to be honest I was imagining carpets yesterday when you mentioned it. Hope you are feeling better and glad you are blogging x

  3. What a great idea. Now I just need a garden....


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