
Thursday 30 May 2013

Reasons To Be Cheerful

Mich over at Mummy From the Heart runs a FAB weekly linky and she is so disciplined at making sure it goes live every Thursday.

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Mine this week are:
  1. Last Summer, I set myself the fun target of having a minimum number for page views I would aim for each day.  I did it because I had just been made redundant and missed having targets and a purpose.  Anyway, when you do something better and with more focus you often exceed where you expected to go, and within a short space of time I doubled my target.  That lasted from August to February and things slumped off, and I lost my blogging mojo.  I am glad to say, it's all coming back - the mojo and the page views.  Phew!
  2. Being broke has its upsides.  I am learning how to budget, economise, negotiate, and haggle.  I haven't had to worry about money for years, so it is a bit of a pain in the ass, but so far, I am managing.  I just need to pray a bit more so that I can tap into what God has in store for me.
  3. I am going to Cybher this Saturday and as the husband is off, I can sneak out, leaving them both in bed, and not have to make a mad dash to drop Aaron anywhere.  I hope they'll have a fab day together as I won't be rushing back :-)
  4. I am really looking forward to having a chat and a drink and a socialise on Saturday.
  5. Aaron's getting cuter every day, and says something dead funny every day.  He'll be 3 in a couple of weeks and we are going to go to Thomas Land for the 3rd time.  He'll be over the moon.
  6. I have a free holiday up my sleeve.  Just waiting to hear back from a dear bloggy friend - this is a hint if you are reading this m'dear.
  7. Aaron and I are going to a picnic tomorrow. It was postponed from today.  For the 3rd day in a row we have grey skies but tomorrow is predicted to be 20 degrees.  Yeeahhhh.  Can't wait to blog about the picnic - it will be awesome and lovely to see Siobhan and the kids for the first time since we got back from Ireland.
  8. I need to revamp a room in the next few days. I am trying to feel cheerful about that ;-)
Liska xx


  1. Have an amazing time at Cybher. hope its lots of fun!! And a free holiday sounds completely perfect. I definitely wouldn't mind one of those!

  2. 3 is such a lovely age isn't it, I love it when they start talking and come out with all sorts of crazy things!

  3. Take before and after pictures of the revamp - I'm into interiors atm. Have a lovely picnic and a fab day on Saturday.

  4. I've heard of the Cyber weekend recently, but never before. I hope you have an amazing time and that your blogging mojo keeps up! x

  5. Have a lovely weekend. Must check out Cyber myself next year.
    Have a blast!

  6. Ooh a free holiday, how lovely!!

    Hope you have a great time at Cybher :)

  7. Free holiday sounds amazing! I am with you on the learning to save and be thrifty front - somehow it seems so much more rewarding to live that way too!

  8. Fab reasons :) x

  9. I am very glad you got your mojo back, and I hope you both (Aaron) had a lovely picnic. X.

  10. Well done you for digging deep for those reasons. Mich x


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