
Tuesday 2 April 2013

When Two Year Olds Take Good Photographs

Errrr I think I spawned a miniature David Bailey!!!!

I took LOTS of photos of the sun today. Newly sprouted daffodils.  Washing on the line.  A never ending blue sky with not a cloud in sight.

I got bored of taking photos that I wasn't in, so I held the camera out at arms length and took a self portrait.  Great if I wanted a close up, but I'd wanted to get the landscape in.

Remembering that Aaron CAN take photos I gave him the camera (Sony Bloggie).

He only took THESE 3.  Not one duff one!

Even in the first you can tell from my mouth, that I am shouting at him to take the photo, not realising that he is doing JUST THAT!

First here is what I was taking by myself. Not bad but no landscape and no blue sky, and that was the case despite me trying EIGHT times... only the facial expressions changed LOL!

Look what my Aaron pulled off - he has SUCH a steady hand:

So for anyone who had their nose to the grindstone today, or for anyone who did not look out the window, it was a GLORIOUS day, and we managed to get two loads of washing on the line AND it did dry!

We only got in at 18:30 JUST as it was getting cold and windy.  Beautiful right up until then though.

So finally today, Tuesday 2nd April 2013, maybe Spring HAS finally arrived. We can but hope :-)

Plus we went swimming :-)

Liska xx


  1. WHAT! We had minor glimpses of the sun so JEALOUS!!! We did manage a lovely walk though. Very good pictures! I hope my wee man shows such skill!

  2. I LOVE washing on the line!!! He is a very good taker of photographs, he should start a blog ;-)

  3. Aaron you definitely are a little photographer in the making. These are really great

  4. I use a Sony Bloggie at the moment too & from the look of these photos Aaron is already better with it than I am! Impressive!

    1. Oh he takes some amazing photos, even with my Sony Cybershot too, which is amazing as there is a few seconds delay before the exposure. Adults always press the button and lower the camera, unless I tell them otherwise but not so with Aaron, PLUS he always takes clear photos which means he has a steady hand. Remarkable.
      Always immpressed with the photos he takes and I have never given him any feedback or tips.
      I swear I have given birth to David Bailey I swear!
      Oh and thank you for visiting and commenting


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