
Tuesday 9 April 2013

Country Kids - A Bumper Packed Edition for #CountryKids

Isn't it typical? The week I have the most #countrykids material EVER, and it is the week that instead of posting on Midnight Friday night, I am posting days late, on Tuesday......... Sorry!

 Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall
So this first collage is from Saturday 30th March, when Aaron and I travelled all the way to Hampstead Heath on public transport to go on a Tree Walk, to hear about the astrology and meaning of each tree (think Druids).

Being that Aaron is a City Kid his wellies NEVER get muddy. I was so taken with him being a REAL #countryKid for the day that I took a photo of his muddy boots (always a blogger).  We were there for hours and truly loved it and will definitely go again.

We had a lovely warm dinner when we got in - sausage casserole and new potatoes. Aaron's favourite.  New potatoes are super as one, they don't need peeling and two, Aaron just picks them up and munches on them like they are chips and three, as we know, the goodness of a potato is JUST under the skin, so it means all of the nutrition stays intact.  Also, I steam them, so everything really does stay where it should be.  Shame we are still having winter style dinners in March, but hey ho!  Oh and yes, I slipped in a photo of ME :-)

If you are a Londoner, get yourself off to Hampstead Heath - it truly is a magical place.

Then on Tuesday, I walked Aaron to nursery for 1 o'clock only to discover that they are closed for Easter. Not to be defeated we then decided to go swimming and took a shortcut that saw us benefit from beautiful views and a superb landscape (for London) that allowed us to fully appreciate the rare blue sky we were enjoying. Very rare in that by Thursday it was snowing.

This was us enjoying the shortcut, through a lovely green open space:

The pictures of me were taken by Aaron and can be seen properly here: taking good pictures at 2 years old

Some days we stay indoors, but Tuesday taught me how much we can do if we go outside.  We managed to explore the great outdoors AND swim for two hours.  We felt so complete when we got home.

We had another nice day Saturday (despite it snowing Thursday and being cold Friday) so we went to the park.  Here's Aaron after his time on the slides and swings:

My Aaron LOVES juicing so this was us on Sunday morning, using our juicer and then filling up his flask which he managed to consume in full during our time in the great outdoors on Sunday:

Aaron doesn't eat carrots but he consumed TWO of them via his juice.  That juice contained:
2 apples, one orange, 2 carrots, a whole pineapple, and a thumb of fresh ginger-root.  His flask is quite large, but during the time we spent outside on Sunday, he consumed the whole thing (in stages):

Even just the walk to the bus stop to go to the park was an excuse for Aaron to explore

The park was well worth the bus ride. It was awesome and we are definitely going there again:

Then Daddy arrived, from work, to the park, to join us.  The park was emptying out by now so we had a lot of the equipment to ourselves. This is still Sunday:

And then Daddy, when asked, took some photos of Mummy (I'm normally stuck behind the camera)

Yes, I look a little odd. The cardigan, hat and trainers did not really go with my Summer dress, but the problem was, it was one of those hot Spring days, where the minute the sun goes behind a cloud (or down) it gets bitter cold.  Please excuse my very strange non-fashion sense. ;-)

And then it was sadly homeward bound, to a Monday and Tuesday that we are spending indoors, and for the first time in my life we have had heating on in APRIL!!!!!

Homeward bound looked like this:

Bye bye park, bye bye outdoors.

Liska xx

My favourit photo from above deserves to be full size:


  1. wow what a great out door week you have had, lots of fresh air and exercise.

  2. Fabulous collection of photos, looks like loads of fun


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