
Friday 26 April 2013

A Day In The Sun With Friends. Finally Some Hot Weather Today. Spring HAS finally SPRUNG...

The weather is going from strength to strength and Spring has finally sprung.  We didn't even have jackets with us today (not even sneakily tucked in our bags) :-) 

This is what a COUNTRY KID ;-) looks like if you tell them they are going OUT for the day :-)

This is what my COUNTRY KID looks like if he gets to travel somewhere by TRAIN:

On arriving at the park, nothing like a bit of football and bubble making...

But closely followed by Aaron's FAVOURITE thing to do = CLIMBING and thankfully it is not on my sofa :-)

ALL of the above photos were taken today thanks to a spontaneous day out with my friend Siobhan.

Thanks for having us Sibs.

And she even had us back to hers for dinner and coffee after.  Bliss! A beautiful spontaneous play date that was outside AND inside :-)

So once indoors we had plenty time to chat whilst Aaron played with F & Y, and of course all of their toys.

Dinner always tastes great when someone else makes it, but this was on another level. My friend made THE most delicious pasta, broccoli, quorn sausages and with cheese on top. The kids were in heaven as it was topped off with Ribena ice lollies and I was in heaven as it was topped off with coffee and biscuits - coffee made mexican style!

Before we left at like 20:20.... yes it was a late night by the time we got the tube and train home and then, only then, did I take my washing off the line... eeeek!  I won't tell you what time Aaron went to sleep.... but back to what I was saying, before we left I read all three children Little Rabbit Foo Foo, and they all loved it.

Aaron really loves it and loves saying:

"Down came the good fairy and said, Little Rabbit Foo Foo I don't like your attitude"

THIS was my very happy Aaron on the way home - yep not even a wink  in his eye!

So I think it is safe to say that today my Aaron was VERY much a #CountryKid

Oh and I have done some full size (non collage) photos above as a special request for Brinabird and Son as she said she does not get to enjoy the photos if they are in collages.

I hope this is an improvement?

I am linking up with my favourite linky:

 Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Liska xx


  1. Teehee thanks for the big ones just for me (I feel kind of special now) Your wee man's face is just lit up with excitement! So great to see. Sounds like you had an amazing day x

  2. Sometimes spontaneous days out are the best, not needing to plan and going with the moment, looks like it worked out really well for you and Aaron is looking such a wonderful Country Kid. I love his blue wellies, mine live in theirs all the time weather they need them or not just because they are so easy to put on! Thank you for linking up with another fun day out.

  3. i love Aaaron's very happy smiley face! its great to have spontaneous days like that - always lots of fun i find. and who cares that he had a late night - he had fun and you made some wonderful memories and smiles that day x

  4. Ah it looks like Aaron had a great day! Unplanned days always seem to be the best kind!! Xx

  5. I love the beaming delight on Aarons face. Isn't it fantastic that simple things like playing outside in the sunshine brings them so much pleasure :)

  6. He looks so happy! Sounds like a lovely day :) Little Rabbit Foo Foo is one of our all time favourites! #CountryKids

  7. Oh what absolutely precious photos! He looks so happy! Hurrah for spring!

  8. Ah such a lovely couple you make - and a whole heap of fun! XX

  9. Aaron looks like he had the best day and what a great collection of photos! Heading over from #CountryKids

  10. Lovely photos and sounds like a great day out! His little face on the train, bless!
    Feel free to check out my latest blog! (Which was supposed to be my country kids linky but I missed the linky! Duh)


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