
Tuesday 19 March 2013

Quick Quick Equinox

I always had it in my head that December equinox is 21st December and Spring 21st March, with Summer Solstice being on 21st June......

I got a tweet today from Lisa @MummyWhisperer and she linked to this post for Equinox tomorrow.

My immediate response to her was, tomorrow?!?!?!?!? I thought it was Thursday.

Well it doesn't take much research online to discover that in the UK the Spring Equinox 2013 is at:

11:02 a.m. Wednesday 20th March 2013.

So, I need to quickly set my intentions tonight.  Equinox is one of the most powerful times to do so.

I have felt the energy building up to it for weeks and it has caused very unexpected changes in my life.

Luckily I don't have to panic about how to spend it as I will take Darshan with Mother Meera.

My favourite astrology "stars" are always those at Astro Zo

For today, 19th March, she says "the world looks different now" and it is so true, for me.

I wish you a beautiful Spring Equinox.

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