
Saturday 2 March 2013

Country Kids and the Great Outdoors


I failed last week and did not post a Country Kids post which was a shame as I had LOTS of material last week.

Not so much this week, but I am determined to join in.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

We did not go on one of our LONG country walks this week, so I have no pictures of rainbows, or ponies, or landscapes.

BUT we did make sure we got plenty of outdoors time and fresh air, and that's what's important.

So here is Aaron on his tricycle, and as you can see he has become a tree hugger.


  1. We all love a tree hugger, they grow into a tree climber - beware as I have six of them! Thanks for linking to Country Kids.

    1. I have been a tree hugger for 25 years so I am glad he has joined me :-)
      He did try to climb a small tree :-)

  2. He looks like he loves his tricycle. I've just ordered one for z today! Hoping we'll have some fun with it outside this week!

    1. Despite having it over a year he has not mastered pedalling yet though, but he loves it xx

  3. What a cutie. Fresh air is what's important and at least we are outside with them. Rosie likes to borrow her friends tricycle but is not very good at pedalling either :-) xx

  4. He had fun and. hats what is important. tree hugging is a bonus! x

  5. Gorgeous - takes after his mum! xx

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