
Friday 29 March 2013

An Early Country Kids

 Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall 

As the collage shows, it being March did not stop us getting snow.  It also didn't stop us getting outside.

Lots of pics of Aaron throwing snow balls and clearing the car of snow with Daddy.

I wanted to put a label on each and every pic.  As you can see I started with "happy" on the smile and "independent" on bottom right, but it was getting too hard to fit the text in, and in the right colour so I gave up.

The one on the left of happy is meant to show curiosity and the fruit is what we JUICE and the happy smile is the RESULT :-)

The top right photos are because EVERY time he sees a wall, no matter how small, he has to climb on it and jump off it.

He does this in people's front gardens - thank GOD Daddy was not with us as he does not approve of Aaron running into people's front gardens, but my attitude is, if he is in there for a mere 20 seconds AND they don't have a wall or gate, it is not worth raising my blood pressure over, to have an unecessary show down that lasts longer than what I'd be telling him off for.

In the one where he is looking at the sky, a helicopter is going passed and Aaron LOVES those :-)

A good while back, we had Febreze out to valet our car, for a promotion, and we were in that same spot with the car, neither me or Aaron with jackets on (he just had a fleece hoodie) and yet now we have officially started Spring and we have SNOW.

Anyway, it WAS pretty.  It is only the cold and having costly heatting on that bothers me.

Hopefully we'll get some great photos tomorrow as we'll be outdoors all day, walking in the woods :-)

Liska xx


  1. So many similarities with my wee man when he shouts he wants to go up high when he sees a wall or looking for the planes and helicopters. Great photos! Maybe if you try and label the photos before making them into a collage might help? Then again I enjoy reading the explanations!

  2. Kids just love to jump and climb at any age. My kids climb everything even when they are in towns! I hope one day you might come to Coombe Mill, I think Aaron would love our trees and freedom on the farm! Lovely collage full of action. Thank you for joining me on Country Kids.

  3. I love Aarons smile it's infectious i bet :) Looks like he's had a lot of fun. We missed all the snow here in Cornwall but looks like you all had some fun! xx

  4. He really looks like he is having a ball

  5. A great collection of photos of Aaron enjoying the snow and outdoors, what a cutie!

  6. I don't worry about the garden thing. Some great ohotos

  7. Boys always have to climb things! The higher the better! Lovely photos.

  8. I love that you don't mind him hopping into other people's gardens :D I like the captions too, he looks so cute enjoying the snow.

  9. What lovely photos, Aaron is such a handsome boy x

  10. Love the photos, what a smiley boy! And I like the 'independent' shot :) My 3yo is a big climber - anything and everything! #CountryKids

  11. Lovely collection of pics of your boys snowy walk.

  12. love all the pictures. looks like so much fun. Everybody moans about the snow but everybody has fun in it and it gives such fun photos

  13. I love your carefree attitude! I need to chill out more as I'm sure I spent half my childhood charging in and out of people's gardens! Lovely collage of pics x


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