
Saturday 16 March 2013

A Country Walk and a Country Pub

Joining in again with the fab #CountryKids linky hosted by Coombe Mill

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Thursday 14th March we went for a LONG walk with Aaron where we walked and he scooted. We ended up in the pub for a swift one (each) followed by the necessary trip to the slides and swings.

Beautiful day and first time this Summer Spring I could really feel the heat from the sun.

Except that heat was short lived... on the way home Aaron and I went to visit my friend Sandra (where I watched 3 episodes of Glee whilst Aaron slept - would you believe I have never before even watched 5 minutes - the whole "Glee" thang has passed me by)... Anyhoo, we left there at about 6 p.m. and it was F for Fffffrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing...

So we may be getting the ocassional dash of Spring but it hasn't full sprung YET!

I hope that 21st March and the Equinox brings Spring in all its fully glory...

PLEASE VISIT MY LAST BLOG POST for my Comic Relief's 25th Birthday 25 things you can do with your nose, you tube video for Comic Relief Red Nose Day


  1. We have had just the same here, some beautifully sunny days but freezing nights until our little taste of snow. I love the use of the scooter, I can see how they can really come into their own on nice flat surfaces. Looks like you were the only ones at the park, I wonder where everyone else was on such a beautiful day?

  2. Fab getting out and any walk that involves a pub is a good one :)

  3. Excellent collage of photos, and looks like you had better weather than us this week.

    Popping over from Country Kids

  4. The weather really is a mish mash at the minute, we've had glorious sun, then pouring rain and howling wind and then back to snow and ice! Aaron looks like he had a great day out, we love the park too.

  5. Lovely collages! I love country walks and I love country pubs! ;o) x

  6. Am in agreement - I do love a good country pub. I want one of those scooters for Isaac!!

  7. we have had some sunny and warmish days and then suddenly it is freezing again. still great weather for scooting sand visiting the park ........ and wearing your toddler out so you can watch Glee lol loved that bit made me smile x


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