
Monday 18 February 2013

Mum's Gone To Iceland

In the past fortnight I have bought these pizzas twice.  They are delicious and CHEAP! Which given my work and money situation is a necessary thing.

The day of an interview I got them on the way home, and last Wednesday when I was in the market to get fruit and veg I again got them on the way home.

They provided a very quick and tasty dinner option to enable us to be at Ash Wednesday mass on time.

Aaron and I both think they are yummy.  This is not in any way a sponsored post.  I just happen to think they are worth a blog post, and in years to come I want to look back and remember that this was my way of having a quick dinner on a tight budget.

Can't say much more than this as I have lost my ability to write, as mediocre as it was...

Bye for now,
Liska xx


  1. Yum, I love a good pizza! Not surprised you don't feel up to writing sometimes - I think you give a lot of yourself when you do. Sure it will be back in good ol' Liska waves soon! Best of luck with your interviews x

    1. thank you darling. Your timing is funny. You left this comment at 08:40 and at 08:43 I got an email rejecting me for a job. A job I had thought was a shoe-in.
      Ah well. Back to the drawing board.
      Thankfully Febreze this morning (next blog post) cheered me up.
      Liska x

  2. but how much are they?!!!!! Can't see anywhere LOL x

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