
Saturday 9 February 2013

Country Kids On Coombe Mill

I've always wanted to participate in Country Kids over at Coombe Mill but given that we are Londoners didn't think we were "country" enough.

The minute I saw mud on Aaron's jeans yesterday I thought maybe that's our entry point LOL...

So here I am :-)

 Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall
So, yesterday was REALLY sunny and warm, the latter only for a few wee hours, but we took full advantage and spent the whole day outside.

I have put all 24 photos in one collage - I hope it works.

Aaron refuses to wear gloves but somehow coped with grasping all of the cold metal bars.

He is such an adventurous fearless boy.  He absolutely LOVES the great outdoors.

He's been climbing up and sliding down slides since he was just over a year old.  I still remember the first time he went down a slide.  I nearly fainted as I hadn't helped him get up there.

My beautiful darling boy.

Mummy loves you gorgeous.

Liska xx


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks doll. And you should recognise the trainers :-)
      Liska xx

  2. Fab's great when you can spend a whole day outside. Don't worry about being in London to be a country's just about wrapping up warm and getting outdoors that matters!

    1. Suscribed to your blog on Google now and added it to my reader. Love your photos of Nana's garden - so colourful and tropical looking.
      Liska xx

  3. We have exactly the same problem, my little man will not wear gloves. I find it so frustrating! Lovely collage, glad to see you could share time outside even though you are in the city.

    1. We love being outdoors, but yeah it gets my goat that he'd rather see his poor fingers turn blue than wear gloves :-(
      Liska xxx

  4. Your collage definitely does work. It looks like a very well equipped park and I would not have believed it was in London! I'm delighted to see some city mud and such lovely photos for Country Kids, hope you will come back again.

    1. I most certainly will as Aaron is an outdoor boy at heart. We love nothing more than a day outside xx

  5. Aaaahh Aaron is growing up. Such a cutie. Looks like he's having lots of fun x

  6. what great photos Liska - he is really enjoying himsrlf isnt he? and you can still have country kids fun in a city like London - any outdoors time is country kids time :)


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