
Thursday 10 January 2013

Please Sponsor Me for BritMums Live 2013

I am going to BritMums Live 2013 in a few months (June), and it would be great to have a sponsor.

I am following @MummyBarrow's lead from last year and just coming straight out with it.  No beating about the bush; like she did in this post, I am getting the begging bowl out.

Last year I absorbed all of the costs by myself but I did get sponsored for CyberMummy back in 2011.

It would be great to be approached by a brand that I can relate to and be proud to be associated with.

I am not asking for much as my early bird ticket was only £49.99 (the tickets are still £49.99 for a short time) and being a Londoner I do not require an expensive train ticket or accommodation, but I would like to be sponsored, reason being that in 2011 I spent £65 on business cards (with my sponsor on them) which I did not bill them for, and last year, despite being a Londoner, I spent as much getting home in a cab as I would have done to stay in a hotel.

So with all of that in mind, I think I would like to ask for £150 from my sponsor and for that I can offer:
  1. A blog post announcing you as my sponsor which will be shared across social media platforms.
  2. I get 35k page views a month and I have 2,300 followers on Twitter.
  3. I'd print your logo on my business cards, which I would hand out at the event.
  4. I'd mention you and link to you in every Brit Mums Live post I would do, pre and post event.
  5. I'd mention you in my BritMums Live tweets too.
  6. I'd review your product/services if supplied, and dedicate a blog post to this.
  7. You would be my only sponsor.
  8. I would dedicate a blog page on here to you (as you can see I don't do badges) for which you could supply the text and artwork to your liking. It would be navigated to via a button on the menu bar on the homepage.
That's all I think.  Please contact me via: liskaBB at g mail dot com

Liska xxx


  1. Woohoo. GOod luck. And can't wait to meet you there

    1. Thank you. You too. I have now added a link to you like I should have done in the first place.
      Liska xx

  2. If you don't ask you don't get! Hope you get sorted out soon x

    1. So very true Vintage Mummy.
      As the saying goes: nice girls get nowt ;-)
      I guess that makes me a nice girl.
      Liska xx

  3. Best of luck with your sponsor - sounds like a fair deal to me.


Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.