
Saturday, 8 December 2012

The Trouble with Toilet Training

I don't know how many mums admit what a struggle toilet / potty training is...

For me the battle has been all mine.  It's never been about whether Aaron is ready - the worries are all my own, and have been since he was a year old and he'll be two and a half in 7 days!!!!

I visited my Great Aunt a few months ago and she could not believe he was still in nappies, informing me she had my cousin dry by 11 months... No pressure then!

Then last weekend I spent the weekend in Folkestone and my friend literally gave me homework, in the form of 3 Bs which quickly became 5.
  1. Bum - get him out of nappies
  2. Bottle - get him off his bottles (still on 3 a day)
  3. Bed - get him out of our bed (he cosleeps with us)
He said parenting is all about getting those 3 done as quickly as possible.  But ALL 3 of them are my fault and not Aaron's :-(

Later on we made it five by adding on B for behaviour and B for ... can't remember the 5th one...

Everyone had said toilet training is easier in Summer.  I was out of work all Summer so I had the time to dedicate to it, and yet I always had an excuse.  So so so very many excuses.

NOW I have everything: the seat, the training pants, the pull ups, everything! Aaron is more than ready and has been for a long time.  So yesterday he told me about a poo BEFORE he did it, and I sat him on his mickey mouse toilet seat on the big loo, and because it was FREEZING he hopped off.  Our loo is the only room out of 6 that does not have a radiator.

So how bad did I feel then!!!!!  Knowing that this is yet another reason I should have done it in Summer like EVERYONE told me.

Today, because he remembers yesterday's experience, when I took his night time nappy off, I was going to put pull ups on, but because he associates them with the loo (the COLD loo) he would not let me and insisted I put a nappy on him.  I was GUTTED!

At nursery it is VERY warm and he is forever asking them if he can go to the toilet.  But they won't start it till I do so at home...

So I went on a forum today and admitted all of my concerns and fears, and it was so refreshing to have so many mums commenting back that they have left it as late as I have.

No doubt there were some reading who thought "you idiot get on with it, I did it a year ago" but those thinking that, stayed respectfully silent, so there was a cheerful gang of us effectively saying "it's alright mate" :-)

But it worries me, SO SO much.  It is like a weight on my shoulder.

So I think I may get a bit religious and pray on it.  I did buy a book the other day called The Power of a Praying Parent, and I have A LOT to be praying about.

The Power of a Praying Parent [Book]

It is so much on my mind, that I want to start praying about everything, to pass it over into God's hands, that when I heard G+ had started communities, the FIRST thing I did was set up a "Praying Parent" community.

The photo for the community, is one I personally took in Malta.

Feel free to join me there, if you are that way inclined.

I know it sounds so silly when some people have REAL problems, but trust me I have some of those too...

Liska xx


  1. I toilet trained all three of my children in cold (seriously cold) houses. And I never ever tell a parent how to deal with their child however, you have to be the dominant. This doesn't mean that you have to rule with an iron rod - more that you do not let your child to have all the control. I know it sounds daft when we talk about letting them make their own minds up but if that's the way you feel then put Aaron back in nappies.

    You know the rest. You're not daft. Honestly.

    1. Thanks so much for commenting, means alot, but when you say "but if that's the way you feel then put Aaron back in nappies".

      Do you mean that I "feel" I want him to decide? and that I "feel" for him being cold?

      I guess I do want to be the boss, but when he is wanting to hop off the loo (and padded seat) because they're cold, yes I did sympathise and did let him hop off. I guess that makes me a pussy and a pushover. But I couldn't help it - doh! :-)

      Liska xx

    2. I meant if you believe Aaron is not ready then put him back in nappies. If you think he is ready then be a bit more firm and return him to the toilet. I don't believe it's down to a cold room. It's about him taking advantage of you listening to him and letting him do what he feels is right.


Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.