
Wednesday, 19 December 2012

A Time for Thanks

There is a Linky going on over at Cakes Photos Life.

It isn't one I want to participate in as I just know I will forget someone, but here is me having a go.

The bloggers I would like to thank, for 2012, are:

Mich - for being the voice of reason in EVERY situation - our unofficial "priest" in the bloggy world.  She aint your average priest though - I have started to refer to her as a Christian Warrior (emphasis on the Warrior)

Jenny - for being my "bloggie bestie" - a phrase I got from .... Make Shift Mummy (a great blog)

Wendy - for being one of the bloggers I have known the longest, and a truly awesome lady
And of course her Sister Qwerty Mum

Rachel - a blog worth a visit, and the most loyal blog reader, commenter and follower on the PLANET

Anya - my mentor in the mad crazy bloggy world - keep an eye on this lady as she has big plans for 2013

Older Mum in a Muddle who runs Older Mum dot co dot uk - a website really really worth checking out! I MUST write my older mum story for her website in the next few weeks!

Kerry - the beautiful person who got me back to blogging, when I was about to walk away from it all

Sarah - for ALWAYS having something sensible to say, about EVERYTHING

Sophie - for always seeing the FUN in EVERY situation

Lisa - for being the wise spiritual Guru of the bloggy world- published author too

Mark - for being my favourite Dad blogger - published author too

Amanda - for writing Mummy Misfits (x2) which were fab - need I say published author

Coombe Mill - a very lovely lady - connect with her on Twitter

Rosie - the G+ Guru!!!

Alice - awesome lady, Mum and blogger - glad to have discovered you in 2012

Emma - again, glad to have discovered you in 2012.  Wonderful lady.

My newest bloggy friend: Wonderments

Nickie - I don't think she needs an explanation - she's Nickie! The unique one!

The beautiful Brit Mums ladies, Kate, Mari, Jen, and Susanna

Kate, representing the Irish contingent so very well

Claire - this is a lady who I would meet EVERY day for coffee if only she did not live in Scotland!

Missie Lizzie - again someone who I am glad to have discovered in 2012

Mama and More - superb blog

Circus Mums - a blog I wish I read more often

Circus Queen Mum - I love the spiritual way she writes about being a Mother, but her blog is currently coming up as suspended :-(

Her Melness - phenomenal legendary regal person!

Mocha Beanie Mummy - the legend behind Silent Sunday, who has just received some incredibly good news

Claire at The Lazy Girls Guide To Life - who I have got to know in 2012. Very glad I did.

Mama Owl for being beautiful and for creating the badge back when I was running Inner Truth linky

Liz Grayson for being an amazing blog designer and answering all my questions with incredible patience

A beautiful blogger Beautiful Baby Tales

Again another beautiful blog and blogger Chloe

Mrs B - a very healthy blogger who I want to connect with in 2013.  She lives sugar free (nearly) like I would like to do.

Lesley, a lady whose blog I should read more often

Helen - a very inspirational blogger, always on the top of her game, and a mad Morning Shred person

A blog really worth a read: 12 hours till bedtime

Him Up North for providing much needed support at a time when I really needed it - a blog a lot of people miss

Forest Flower again a blog I should read more often

Ruthie at Just Blethering who is one of the nicest bloggers I know, who needs to blog more often.

Oh and I have to thank the BLOGESS for getting my You Tube channel off the ground in terms of VIEWS

Thank you Jenny for getting me to Mumsnet Blogfest by telling me about it!

I am finding this post too hard.  One because it is taking too long and two because I am terrified I am going to leave someone out :-(

I am going to have to leave it there as Christmas is in a few days and I haven't bought a single thing yet. Haven't bought presents or food, or wrapped a thing!

ONLY posted all my Xmas cards to Ireland yesterday.  I know, disgraceful.  Cost me £18 and I have no idea now if they will get there before Xmas.

If you are a regular reader of my blog and I have somehow missed you above, PLEASE don't sulk.  PLEASE leave me a comment so I can send you a cyber hug and add you to the above and give you some comment love.

Liska xxxx


  1. Thank you and you are on my Lovely Bloggers list for 2012 too.

  2. Thanks for the mention! You have your tree up, that's all that matters. Just buy gift vouchers :)

    1. Ordered Aaron's Xmas present today, online.
      Talk about cutting it fine.
      Next Day Delivery is a wonderful thing :-)

  3. Wow what a list, I will try and get to visit them all someday soon, thank you so much for joining and I have a feeling your as beautiful as someone one else xxx

    1. Thanks and thank you for a great idea for a linky.
      Liska x

  4. What a fantastic line-up and some new ones for me - can't wait to have a nosey around their blogs! Hopefully I will get to meet some of you wonderful people at Britmums next year yippee!

    1. That would be wonderful Suzanne. When you left the above comment I was out and about but I hopped to your blog, via the phone, and read you BEAUTIFUL post on Xmas traditions. I was PARTICULARLY touched by the BOOKS tradition - we have some - you've inspired me to blog about them.

      Yes, will see you at Brit Mums Live 2013 - if I am looking lost please say Hello.

      I will also be at Cybher and Mumsnet Blogfest.

      Much love,
      Liska xxx

  5. aww thanks for the mention Liska...confession time, I haven't shredded for a little year, new start & all that! x

    1. Definitely. I have high hopes for New Year too x

  6. A lovely list, and so hard to get everyone down isn't it? I've been remembering people who I forgot to add this morning all day! A super thought though and much love to you xx

    1. Thank you. Your post is a cracker. So unlike me to do a post without photos but it took hour and a half as it was.
      Thank you for visiting

  7. what a brilliant list - thank you SO much for including me, what a lovely thing to say, I do try to live by the "glass always FULL" and interesting that you picked up on that.

    Also pleased to see lots of new blogs I have yet to discover as well as some of my old favourites.

    Thanks my lovely and merry Christmas to you and yours xxx

    1. I am sometimes a good judge of character - helps that I am increasingly more and more psychic.
      Liska xxx

  8. Lovely list :) I've got lots of blog hopping to do now!

    P.S. I found some super delicious sugar free chocolate in Holland & Barrett (sweetened with stevia) that I plan on eating during the holidays :P

  9. What a lovely idea for a post. Thank you for the honour of a mention. Am so glad we connected this year X

    1. And the Mamma has replied to me, so no doubt we will be speaking again soon, and I may be in a position to write the "next big thing" post you asked me to :-)
      Liska xxx

  10. Thank you for the mention. And I really enjoy reading your blog too! Hope you had a lovely Christmas and all the best for 2013!


Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.