
Saturday, 24 November 2012

Tonight Healing Can be Found in Chocolate

At the heart of all of our blog posts, and this blog hop, is a real family, a Multiple Mummy, a Multiple Daddy, a Chilled Out Boy, a Little Madam and of course BB.  Multiple Mummy is a very busy wonderful mother of 3.

She recently had a set back which prompted this healing circle of bloggers.

The family have been deeply touched by seeing Kerry's blogging family coming together and they have found ways of staying in touch via Twitter and through comments.  Multiple Daddy was so touched by our Multiple Photos that he compiled a video of photos, with one of his all time favourites as a soundtrack: Elvis, and it has made the whole blogging community cry in awe of the beautiful family that they are, so deserving of all of our support.

I didn't know what was right for 10 p.m. tonight; I even suggested that we honour a respectful silence to allow us to do those prayers, thoughts, meditations we'd all committed too, but Mr @MultipleMummy (Multiple Daddy himself) has said we should:

"tweet or eat chocolate" If you want to tweet him to talk about Kerry and chocolate he can be found at @tractorboy1978

That's one order that is easy to carry out, or in my case, after a mad dash to the shop to buy some chocolate.

My wish all week has been to have Kerry home in time for Christmas, so of course the second I walked into the shop this box (on the left below) winked at me.  I thought right, I am holding onto those till Multiple Mummy can personally eat them.

On the left for @multiplemummy and on the right, for @newmumonline AKA me! for tonight at 10 p.m.!

I picked them up and thought eeeek I haven't followed the instruction to the letter.  He didn't say buy chocolate and stash it away for my wife.  He said EAT CHOCOLATE, so I looked around again, (but of course kept them in my basket for her) and as I can drink tea for England I quite fancied something dunkable so got the Kit Kat photographed above.

So Multiple Mummy tonight I will be drinking tea, eating kit kat, and thinking of you.

You, my dear dear blogging and real life friend.  I miss you, and want to see you again in the near future.

Get on your feet girl, there's a long queue and we all want an audience with you.

Much love,
Liska xx

P.S. Enjoy the snooze while you can, those kids will probably still be at home in their 20s ;-)

And just in case you don't "get" the chocolate connection, her love of chocolate is hinted at in this post here.

Please join the blog hop if you are yet to.  Link is here


  1. Thank God I read this in time and can get my secret chocolate stash out for such a deserving cause :)

  2. What an amazing idea! We will be praying tonight! xxx

  3. It was an amazing gathering over on twitter tonight. A much loved lady!

  4. I have been watching this warm and wonderful idea unfold from a distance, because I don't know Kerry. However, I DO know the power of healing thoughts, so will add mine. This is an incredibly inspiring, uplifting idea and I'm glad to see healing at the forefront of this movement. XX

  5. Still the prayers continue xx

  6. I'm still (always) thinking of Kerry and of course eating plenty of choc. On the #healing4Kerry night my hubs and I both had a Cadbury chocolate wish, oh how I wished when eating it. x


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