
Friday, 30 November 2012

Duvet Day - not!

I am having another day like Monday, where I want to climb under a duvet.

I did a rash thing yesterday and bought hosting.  For a new website/blog, not this one.  But I bought the wrong package and when I emailed their support I didn't really understand the answer.

The whole things scares me, as I am normally quite self reliant in most areas of my life.

Then today I am supposed to be doing housework for a friend to come to stay for the weekend tomorrow and there is just too much to do.

When I TRIED to make a start on it, Aaron put a wooden curtain ring in the toaster and pressed the DOWN switch - lucky I saw as that could have started a fire.

Then he covered the kitchen floor in water and then he put sugar in the steam iron.

In the end I phoned my friend and said I am finding getting reading for you to come stressful - now this is not me to do this - me is running myself ragged, doing it all, and then perhaps complaining afterwards.

But something is wrong with my wiring today.  I can't do it all AND I know it.

He was so relaxed about it and said we could go there instead which is actually a REALLY good idea.

So I need to look at train times and fares.

Also, going to a friend's for dinner tonight so I hope that is nice.

I have so many admin type things I need to do today but I don't think Aaron will allow that.

I think like Crystal Jigsaw I need to take a step back from blogging but the only trouble is, it is my escape from real life, so I just don't know where I will go if I don't blog.

But right now the sky is blue, literally and the sun is shining so I think OUTSIDE would make a VERY good start.

Liska xx

1 comment:

  1. have you read saturday Snippets ever by Jax (@liveotherwise) at Making it up? I keep meaning to do it myself. It's a really quick way to keep in the blogging loop without writing loads and loads. Good luck with the new blog site.


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