
Friday, 16 November 2012

Bug Bear Meme - Children In Need and Pudsey Bear

I am sad that Pudsey's fundraising may be effected by the recent goings on with the BBC, so I am setting up this meme to remind you all that he will be starring in tonight's BBC Children in Need TV schedule.

So please watch it if you can and donate.

To make this meme fun I thought we could complete things in the letters of Pudsey's name.

P is for please. Aaron I am so proud of the way you always say please.
U is for untidy.  I struggle to keep up with the mess you make.  Your toys are EVERYWHERE!
D is for dancing.  You are so musical and love to dance the minute you hear music.
S is for sun.  At the moment you start everyday by saying "the sun came up".  You're my joy!
E is for everything.  Being two, you are into everything at the moment - you keep me on my feet.
Y is for yesterday.  Since you came along, yesterday is always important as there's always a fab photo or memory to look back on.

So I am not going to tag anyone, as this meme really needs to be completed today, as Children in Need is on TV tonight, so please join in if you have writer's block and are looking for bloggy inspiration today.

See you on the sofa, or on Twitter when we're all watching and tuning in later.

Yesterday at Aaron's nursery all the tots had to dress for the letter P.  Pirates, or Princesses or PJs.  Aaron wore his Pudsey PJs:

If you'd ever like to make Children In Need cupcakes, I know just the Domestic Goddesque to show you how.

Here's a linky list if you would like to join in:

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Due to blogger's dynamic template, the list won't be visible unless you click the link but I will manually link to anyone who joins in as well, and tweet.

AND without further ado, the first bloggers to take up the task are:
  1. Be More 4 Mums - great Pudsey video here and I love what she has said to spell PUDSEY 
  2. Wendy from Inside the Wendy House just did an acrostic post which you can find HERE.
  3. Madhouse Family Reviews joined in too with this beautiful post full of pictures and inspiration. 
And Wendy's just taught me a new word, via Facebook, when she told me about her above post:
a·cros·tic  (-krĂ´stk, -krstk)n.
1. A poem or series of lines in which certain letters, usually the first in each line, form a name, motto, or message when read in sequence.
So we are showing our acrostic love for Pudsey :-)
Much love,

Liska & Aaron.


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