
Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Get on to Live Your Legend

Sometimes people's best kept secrets are best kept - as in when something works for someone, they don't tell anyone.

So in your peer group you could have several people with a successful home business but unless you start talking about it, they don't.

Then you one keeps one's limiting beliefs, as we don't know what is really possible in life.  We assume - incorrectly - that everyone is doing the 9-5.

Every now and again you meet someone who does share what inspired them, and this was so with a chap from my choir who told me about Live Your Legend.

The 1st time I went on there I went on at 10 p.m. and was reading till 4 a.m. - has a blog ever had that effect on you?  No, me neither!!!

So, I signed up for the newsletters and I am so glad I did, as now I get regular doses of inspiration, that contain words like this:

The people next to you control your potential.

It turns out there’s actually a name for this phenomenon. It’s called Social Facilitation. Back in 1898 Norman Triplett did a study that showed cyclists could cycle faster when next to other cyclists, than just when on a course alone with a stopwatch. There were plenty more experiments that followed. They all proved the same thing…
Surroundings matter. And they matter a lot.

There is a course coming soon:

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