
Monday, 6 August 2012

Broke the 1,000 page views a day barrier!

At 8.29 p.m. last night I tweeted to say I only had 14 page views left to hit 1,000 for the first time ever (page views in one day).

I don't know what is normal for a British mummy blogger but I am happy.

Anyway I was amazed this morning to see it went to 1,410 last night (as below)...

So this is what it's saying right now:

And this shows my month of July.  1,000 used to be my top number on the vertical axis but now my charts have adapted.

The above shows the posts that are driving it - they are figures for the month (not for the day).

I am chuffed.  They were all subjects I was driven and passionate to write about.

I guess being the top search result is driving some of the traffic my way:


Looks like I have already done it two days in a row if stats right now are anything to go by (at 14:16 06th August 2012):

I don't know where it counts a "month" from as that appears to have changed too, so it is clearly not simply the calendar month of July...

Liska xx


  1. Gosh Liska. That's wonderful news. Congratulations.

    1. Thank you so much x (looks like today will be 2,000 eeeeeek)

  2. Was very happy to read your blog about being an obviously very successful rare mixed race family...(please note the sarcasm). Long may it continue ;)
    GREAT blog =oD

    1. Thanks - are you a family in a similar situation?
      Thank you so much for stopping by and thanks for the support.
      Liska x

    2. I would like to think so, my husband is a law graduate (but no longer works in that field), I dropped out of college but I made a success of my life nonetheless, getting by on good looks, wit and charm. We have an almost 2 year old who really stuck a spanner into the works but he is the light of our lives.

  3. Well done Liska, long may it last hey! Let me tell you that over 1K per day is very good indeed. Mich x

    1. And it looks like today will be 2,000 given that it is only 18:42 and already on 1700.
      Eeeeek, that's what happens when you write something topical.
      Liska x

    2. The topical thing being my post about Daily Mail's racism via Rick Dewsbury which people are finding as I am currently the top search result on Google

    3. On blogger a "month" is counted as a month back from that moment it time that you're checking your stats, hence the constant change.

      Recheck the google search on an incognito page - google search automatically picks pages that are relevant to you or that you have visited in the past as top of your search. However, with those sort of stats you're bound to be top. Fab stuff - means your keywords are spot on!

      Well done mate :-)

  4. Wow Liska, that's amazing! Well done :) I'm lucky if I get that in a week but I still count myself as a 'newbie' ;)


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