
Sunday, 22 July 2012

Sainsburys' Style for Little Boys

This is NOT a sponsored post.  We just happened to go to Sainsburys for food shopping and I can never resist looking at the baby boy's section.

Ended up buying three bits including this shirt - I am a sucker for Aaron in a shirt (except when it comes to irnoning them).

Anyway here it is:

Didn't think I'd get him to stay still enough for a photo but I did
Didn't like the lack of teeth so I asked him to smile...

ha ha ha ha ha - I asked him to smile and he copied EXACTLY my demo! Oh dear! Mwwaaa ha ha ha ha


  1. I could definitely dress DD from Sainsbury's. We bought 2 pairs of sandals when we were there in April.

  2. Ha ha ha ha! Brilliant pics of Aaron (AGAIN!) Say it every time, but he keeps getting cuter... I love his curly hair! Lovely shirt too btw. Sainsbury's isn't somewhere we go very often, but they have some lovely clothes in it, must check it out! Ryan has recently been kitted out with a complete new wardrobe as his birthday is on 4th January he gets loads of clothes at for Xmas and his bday and has outgrown them by half way thru the year!

  3. Brilliant smile! I love the Tu clothes as well. Wish they were online!


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