
Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Lindam Door Bouncer - from first use to last use - We got 7 months out of it!

Aaron got a good 7 months out of his Lindam Door Bouncer.

It was such good value for money and as you can see from this video he really enjoyed being in it and took to it from the 1st day.

Making this video today has brought back some fond memories.  The video shows the lifespan of the product - in our house - with Aaron using it from 4 months to 11 months old.

I saw this post today at The Mummy Adventure, and it made me look through my blog to find my Lindam Door Bouncer post. 

I was very shocked to discover that there wasn't one... I could not believe it given that it was a product that was such an important part of Aaron's pre-walking development and one of the things that would entertain him in the kitchen door while Mummy grabbed a precious half hour to get something done. 

How. Could. I possibly. Have. NOT. Blogged about it!

I set to remedy that straight away, and got to making this video:


Liska xxx


  1. We also owned a Lindam door bouncer....and it got me some hands free time to get a snack or a cup of tea some days! Well worth the the Christmas day bit!

    1. Thank you so so much for stopping by - I took the liberty of visiting your Facebook page and may I say your wee boy is a CUTIE - adorable.
      Do you blog at all?
      Liska xxx

  2. Thank you, he seems as charming as your son, obvs, because he can melt the hardest heart!
    I don't blog, I don't know if I'd ever have the time to do that and you wrote a superb blog about Mixed Race Britain - I'd have just written rage, rage, rage..oh the rage.


Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.