Nah! Get it all out there! I am sure you want to KNOW that @MammasaurusBlog whipped us till we danced! Watch her bully @RomanianMum into dancing - bully I tell you!
That @ActuallyMummy has snake hips when she dances!
That the security man did really exist - whether he is called Kirk or not I can't say for certain!
All I know is that I want to be "the crazy one" ;-)
That he dragged the ladies off the stage because they were DRUNK :-0
That @TiredMummyofTwo doesn't like to be photographed when blowing her nose and
That after dark Jaks at Butlins Bognor really is JUMPING.
If... you know how to make it happen.
If you've got spectacles and some patience, watch THIS - be warned it is DARK: