I love Karen's blog. There is something very girly and neat & tidy about it - always a pleasure to visit. Definitely one of my favourites.
Here are the rules:
Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post
Tell us 7 things about yourself
Award 15 recently discovered new bloggers
(I am sooooo glad it says recently discovered as that gives me the chance to do a brand new list unlike any I have done before)
Contact these bloggers to let them know they've received the award
(Now THAT is the time-consuming bit - oh dear!)
- I am a HR Manager
- I am a Yoga Teacher. Taught till I was 36 weeks pregnant and haven't since.
- I wear my heart firmly on my sleeve.
- I once got sick on my boss (drink induced) Summer 2007.
- I've been to Magaluf (spelling?) - it was awful.
- The first VHS video I owned was Dirty Dancing.
- I can't lie to save my life!
- http://www.manana-mama.com
- http://emsyjo.blogspot.com
- http://themccaskieclan.blogspot.com
- http://www.kookblogs.blogspot.com
- http://www.petitmom.co.uk
- ttp://www.petitmom.co.uk
- http://thesinglemumdiaries.wordpress.com
- http://thefivefsblog.blogspot.com
- http://deepinmummymatters.com
- http://themccaskieclan.blogspot.com
- http://seasiderinthecity.wordpress.com
- http://neverfoundtheplot.com
- http://roxycarmichaelreveals.blogspot.com
- http://insaniacsanon.blogspot.com
- http://muminmeltdown.blogspot.com
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