Saturday, 30 April 2011

Igniting Passions...of interest!


I am yet again participating in a meme, (by the same heading as this blog post). Memes are my favourite hobby of late, although  I have had to reduce the amount I do due to returning to work.

This one is being hosted over at Multiple Mummy.  But it was seeing Mummy and the Beastie's post that made me think of joining in.

So....... I don't have a lot of personal interests since having a baby but what WERE my interests????

  1. I was so passionate about Kundalini Yoga that I became a qualified Teacher.  It was a large part of my life, either attending or teaching classes, and attending retreats or workshops.  At one point I even dabbled with having a Kundalini blog.  As you can see it didn't get very far.  I taught for six long years and even right up until 36 weeks pregnant - my students didn't mind my bump, and showered the "inside" Aaron with love and affection with all their motherly enquiries each week - he had so many Aunties :-)  I felt so secure and safe in my Kundalini World.  Maybe that's partly what I am missing out on now.  During the 8 days that Aaron went overdue I did one class in my sitting room with a DVD - I was hardcore - I did the whole "set" without having to make an adjustment, but THAT was the last time I did yoga.  Haven't done a thing since he entered this world.  Yesterday and today I am very down, either snapping or crying at the drop of a hat, and I KNOW that if yoga was still part of my life I would not be acting like that - I have to find (or make) room for it.  Either that or I will soon have a divorce on my hands because things CAN'T continue as they are (long story!)
  2. I wrote these next 2 bullet points earlier before I went out but they did not save successfully.  What I had said was, that I don't have a deep interest like pottery, or cross-stitch or baking etc.... but as I was writing it, I remembered I used to be fantastic at art.  I did quite a few watercolours whilst at Uni and a few pastels (or whatever you call them).... haven't done any art in YEARS.... Got an A in Art at GCSE..... where I would fit the time in for that now I don't know, but when Aaron is old enough to draw I can draw with him and he'll be well impressed :-)  I used to draw with my cousin (who now lives in Australia) - she's now in her 20s and STILL has those drawings as they meant so much to her - I keep meaning to give her this blog address :-)
  3. Work was one of my passions, which has been reignited considering I went back after maternity leave 4 weeks ago.  I may not be doing long hours now that I am a Mum and leaving at 5 p.m. for the first time in my career but I am still giving it my all and feeling incredibly productive.
  4. I do have a passion for the soaps and Aaron hasn't got in the way of  this.  He quite often breastfeeds on my knee whilst I watch Eastenders and Coronation Street.
  5. I passionately love my sleep and having a baby hasn't effected that too much because Aaron and I usually get up anything between 8:30 and 9:30 although since the bright mornings we do occasionally get up at 7:30.  It does come at a LARGE cost though as he doesn't go to bed till about 9:45 p.m. and since going back to work I nod off with him, which means I never get an evening to myself.  I didn't before returning to work either as he sometimes used to go to bed even later.  The times when he's gone to bed early and I have had 1-2 hours on my own in the evening have been few and far between.  Because we usually get up together too, I don't have a moment to myself - no wonder I have been irritable yesterday and today.  Anyone reading this will wonder how I can sleep as much as a baby - it's because most nights he comes in with us for half the night and I spend that breastfeeding on and off, so I seem to sleep longer to make up for the broken sleep.  Yes Aaron has had nights he has spent the whole night in his cot (and in the past I have blogged about them) but there hasn't been nearly enough of them.
  6. I keep rambling - back to interests...... errrmmmm - I have a huge interest in all things spiritual which anyone would be able to tell immediately if they took a look at my bookshelves.  It doesn't come across enough in this blog, which probably means it isn't enough a part of my life.... After all if it was, I would be making time for my yoga or at the very least, a meditation once a day, which would even help with my limited milk production.
  7. I only have blogging for a hobby now, and in between this blog and my yoga blog, my longest surviving blog so far was actually Liska Life.
  8. I am finding it hard to finish this without trying to think of some more..... feeling a bit shallow and inadequate now..... hhhhhmmmmmm - I have a huge interest in budhism, but am yet to do anything about it - it was partly ignited by a 16 day trip to Japan in 2004.
    Okay I think I will leave it there for now.  
    Liska xx


      1. No don't worry I put the tag later on once I had finished faffing about getting the font all the same size, it took way longer than the actual post took to write! I was tagged so realised I need to tag too.

        Wow you really were hardcore with the Yoga and what a passion to have! and from what I have learnt from you so far I would have said you are a spiritual person. I think from what you said yesterday on twitter that you definitely need get something back for you (I haven't yet) and getting back into Yoga seems like your calling. I have never tried it but would love to one day!

        :-) xxx

      2. What interesting passions you have! I am so sad that things are difficult with your hubby, but I am a firm beliver in good months and bad months and maybe this just isn't a good month. Plus family changes the dynamics so much. I think it is important you find what relaxes you again and makes you feel calm. Will keep checking your ok? x

      3. What a passion to have with the Yoga, I hope that you take it back up again soon. I would love to be passionate about work, what do you do? x

      4. Wow, looks like you did incredibly well with the yoga. I tried it twice but found it made me feel really sick! I was obviously doing something wrong!


      Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.