It's not easy staying on top of the housework, but he is cheerful in his chair in the morning when I wash dishes... and the sling is really useful. I haven't grasped hoovering yet but I will do.
So in the morning when washing dishes I put him in his chair (see earlier post), and if I am doing hot cooking where he may get splashed, I put him in his Lindam door bouncer. See pic below. He can quite happily do half an hour in there.
If I want to do housework in the sitting room, he goes in his Fisherprice Jumperoo and he can do an hour in there. Right now that time is being wasted as I am on the internet and the sitting room is a complete mess - DOH!!!!
Liska x
I need to practice what I preach and do some housework. Apart from washing dishes, I haven't done any since Tuesday which is an absolute disgrace :-(